We are in the last month of being "normal" people (some people say we were never "normal"). Becky's last day at her job is the 17th and mine is the 24th (sniff, sniff). We will then be living off of our support raised from friends and family like you....which we need more of:) Currently we are about a third of the way toward our monthly support goal. So, if you or someone you know would like to partner with us financially just hit the donate now button on the blog. Anyway, that's all I have to say about that (Forrest Gump).
We are currently busy trying to tie up loose ends such as renting our house, selling our cars/motorcycle, selling stuff, etc. loads of fun. I just wanted to give you an update as to when we are actually leaving. I get this question all of the time and it's not an easy one, so, let me explain. We are done with our jobs this month and we will leave for a 2 week medical/orientation trip to the DR on Oct. 27th. We will then come back (somewhere) for about 2 weeks and then will leave right after Thanksgiving for a 3 week trip to MTI in Colorado (this is for training). We will then come back again (somewhere) until we leave for good at the end of December.....so that's when we are leaving:) We would appreciate your prayers specifically for renting our house and raising support. Those are our two biggest burdens right now. We are very excited about this new adventure and appreciate all of the support we can muster:) We will be in touch.
can't believe it's almost time already!! ;)